From F to L

Dear wandering souls,

Just a quick, quick note to tell you this blog will now be my (only) center of gravity on the Internet. Please call me Langlois from now on, something new is starting here. I will try to post a proper, first blog soon. I may explain why I chose Langlois as a nickname too, it is a long story.

Welcome here !

53 thoughts on “From F to L

  1. Bonjour Langlois

    Je suis content de voir que nous allons pouvoir continuer a lire les pensee et idees de la femme intelligente et terre a terre que tu es. Tes blogues sont toujours un plaisir a lire. Tu es une personne exceptionnelle et je sais que je ne suis pas le seul a le penser.

    Bonne chance avec ce nouveau depart :)

    • Merci D.,
      J’espère pouvoir m’activer un peu sur ce nouvel espace virtuel très bientôt. Merci pour les encouragements et compliments ! ça fait du bien ! x

  2. salut- je suis Felix, je ne sais pas se tu te rappeles… je me rejouirais de tes nouvelles ici dès lors que je n’ai plus aucun autre maniere de te contacter… bisous!!

  3. Did the Giant Stingrays come to take you under the sea? They are all over your page…
    I have an “F” *and* an “L” in my name! Stingray has neither… hrm.

  4. I really want to thank you for your beautiful and meaningful wishes. Very glad I can stay in touch in here!

  5. New beginnings are always exciting. Get to work, your audience awaits. We are clamoring to be engaged and entertained.

    • Yes they are.

      ps: there’s a “follow me” section on the bottom right hand side of the homepage if you want to follow the blog and receive notifications by email.

  6. You are a beautiful and precious soul, Langlois. I’m pleased that I will have a chance to read your thoughts and see how you’re doing. Thank you for inviting me to this place. I believe special things will happen here.

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